Approved Training Courses for Electricians and Electrical Contractors
Over the last ten years, we have built up a reputation for both excellent courses and very high pass rates.
- Small Class Sizes
- Experienced Tutors
- Bespoke Courses
- Qualified Lecturers
- A Supportive & Friendly Environment
- Open 6 Days a Week
Showing the world what electricians can do!
What is the most important thing when choosing a training provider?
At Erudite Training, you don’t have to choose. All these come as standard. Many training providers will tell you they are great, but we can prove it. Click on each to see how we achieve this- ten minutes’ reading may change your entire career.
High pass rates
If you are attending a course, you want to pass the exam; that is a given. We believe you also want to learn the subject as well.
At Erudite we have maintained very high pass rates on all our courses from our inception, but as noted on other tabs, we attain that by teaching to a very high standard. It is easy to just look at some of our competitors comparable pass rates without asking how they achieve them. If this is by coaching or even assisting candidates through exams, then you are not being taught correctly. Exams are passable if you are taught right, and then you also learn the subject.
Some centres offer a guaranteed pass, but that to us devalues your achievement. We are sure you want to attain the qualification fairly and squarely and be proud of what you have achieved. It also then sets you up for further study, which is one of the reasons we get fantastic results all the way up to Level 4 2396.
Cost value of the course
Many of our competitors will tell you they are more expensive because they are better; that simply is not true. We are more cost effective because of how Erudite has been set up and run. One of the big costs for most training providers is advertising. Some of our competitors literally spend millions of pounds every year on advertising, sales teams etc., all of which gets added to the cost of courses. We simply don’t need to spend these sums as our level of repeat business and recommendation brings in the vast majority of our students. Once you have trained with Erudite you will see how much better we are, and then will join our free ‘sales team’ yourself.
Erudite also has the benefit of small overheads, as our training centre is owned by us, rather than paying huge rent with no return. The saving on this means we can pay the best lecturers. Another advantage of owning the building is that we could tailor the building to our, and your, exact needs.
Simon has never seen Erudite as a means to make vast wealth, but rather it is his desire to properly educate as many students as possible that drives our expansion. Course prices are set at what we can afford to do them at, so as many students as possible can get the best training.
Enjoying the learning
If you are enjoying something, you participate far more; it is that simple.
In order to enjoy a training course you have to first and foremost feel comfortable in the class. This is not just a comfy physical environment, chairs, light, temperature etc. which we do of course provide, but also how you feel within the group of fellow students.
At Erudite we have a professional but relaxed environment where all students are comfortable to participate and ask questions as required. You will be supported through the learning process and questions are always welcome and never silly.
Teaching the subject, not just the exam
Simon’s work at City and Guilds shows so many circumstances where training providers attempt to simply coach what they expect to be on the exam, and often fail. If your training provider needs to coach or, in some other way, attempt to assist you in an exam, then they are not teaching you properly. Doing ‘past papers’ is not teaching you the subject, its coaching you for the exam. Gaining a certificate is important, but so too is being able to undertake your job out on site in the real world. Erudite always teaches the subject properly, which makes both your exams and working life far easier. You will be far more respected on site and capable of going on to further study.
Being sure you are taught correctly
Every single training provider will tell you they are teaching you correctly, but how can you confirm this? The simple fact is that the very high quality of our teaching has brought Simon to the attention of City and Guilds where he is now a Technical Consultant writing on many qualifications. This was purely brought about by our students attaining very high standards and proving that we can deliver the correct training in the right way. We adopt a range of techniques ensuring each learner has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Making sure you are taught the right things
When choosing a training provider, do you ever ask how you can be sure your lecturer has the required knowledge? You should do!
If you are taught by somebody with insufficient knowledge, then you are not going to get anyway near the best training. Many training providers think it is sufficient for the lecturer just to hold the relevant qualification, but they may only have scraped a pass. Do you think this is sufficient, because we don’t?
Erudite Training is run by a City and Guilds Technical Consultant that works at the highest level within their electrical assessment department. This gives him the opportunity to learn from eminent colleagues, and also to validate his vast knowledge. Simon ensures his own knowledge, and that of his staff, more than meet the requirements for each course. That means you can have confidence that what you are told is right. On the odd occasion one of us doesn’t know an answer, we will always be honest and go and find out. With Simon’s contacts he can go straight back the IET, if needed.
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"... real passion for students' success"
Erudite Training specialises in courses for Electricians and Electrical Contractors. As an approved City & Guilds, EAL and LCL Awards centre, we offer a range of training courses that are recognised nationally. Over the last ten years, we have built up a reputation for both excellent courses and very high pass rates.
Our electrical training courses are made relevant to your own working experience and lessons delivered in a way to explain not only what the regulations are, but also how to comply with them in the real world.
We also believe that you should be comfortable in nice surroundings; tea, coffee and biscuits on the house and a bit of humour thrown in. Learning is far easier when you are interested and engaged, not to mention comfortable, as many have found out at Erudite.
Erudite is owned by Simon Ogborn FIET MSET LCGI, who himself works as an Approved Electrical Inspector and City & Guilds Lead Technical Consultant (Electrotechnical). Simon not only owns the company but still teaches many of the courses and has a real passion for the students’ success.